Book sessions on EEQU and Unmissable England
Amazing Ancient Woodlands
Wellbeing in the Woods – private event
Admiral WoodsThis event is taking place in conjunction with Kemsley Wellbeing Hub kindly providing ingredients kindly funding the wellbeing session
Evergreen Elders with Imago (private event)
Admiral WoodsAmazing Ancient woodlands – Rainbows
Admiral WoodsThis is a private event and not open for public booking
Ancient Woodlands primary (booked)
Admiral WoodsAncient Woodlands for adults (private event)
Admiral WoodsGrove Park @OTTW Amazing Ancients
Admiral WoodsWellbeing in the Woods FFOK
Admiral WoodsThis event is run in conjunction with Friendly Faces of Kent kindly funding transportation & ingredients Kindly funding well-being in woods session
Wellbeing in the Woods with FFOK
Admiral WoodsThis event is run in conjunction with Friendly Faces of Kent kindly funding transportation & ingredients Kindly funding well-being in woods session
Amazing Ancients for home ed
Admiral Woodssession kindly funded by Defra and Kent AONB through the Farming in Protected Landscapes project.
Amazing Ancients – Spaces available
Please get in touch if you are interested in booking a session. We have spaces available for Primary, Secondary, Families and 18+
Amazing Ancients – Brownies
Admiral WoodsThis is a private event and not open to the public for booking